7 Ways Salespeople Build Trust With Buyers (And Why They Don’t)

Apr 06, 2023

Building trust is an essential aspect of successful selling. Surveys conducted by HubSpot and Salesforce respectively found that 68% of buyers said that they don't like being pitched to by a salesperson who they don't trust and that 95% of buyers are more likely to purchase from a salesperson they do trust. Even sales professionals believe that lack of the ability to build trust is a major barrier to sales success.

When buyers trust their sales representatives, they are more likely to buy from them, they may also become repeat customers, and they are more likely to give referrals. Other benefits of trust include shortening sales cycles and giving themselves an advantage over their competitors.

Knowing that building trust with buyers is crucially important, here are some of the best methods that sales professionals can use to build it:


1.     Be honest: Honesty is the foundation of trust. Salespeople should always be truthful about their products, services, and capabilities. If there are any limitations or downsides, they should be disclosed upfront. It's better to lose a sale than to lose a customer's trust.

However, the top challenge that salespeople face when trying to be honest is the fear of losing the sale. Salespeople may feel pressure to exaggerate the benefits of their products or services or downplay any drawbacks in order to close the deal.


2.     Listen actively: Active listening involves paying attention to the buyer's needs and concerns, and responding in a way that shows you understand their perspective. This helps to build rapport and trust.

However, salespeople face the tendency to talk too much. Salespeople may be so focused on selling their products or services that they forget to listen to the buyer's needs and concerns.


3.     Provide value: Salespeople should focus on providing value to their customers, rather than just trying to make a sale. This can involve offering advice, insights, or solutions that help the customer solve a problem or achieve their goals.

The top challenge that salespeople face when trying to provide value is the lack of understanding of the buyer's needs. Salespeople may not take the time to research the buyer's industry or business or may not ask enough questions to understand the buyer's specific pain points.


4.     Build relationships: Building a relationship with a customer takes time, but it can pay off in the long run. Salespeople should make an effort to get to know their customers, understand their needs, and stay in touch even after the sale is complete.

But the lack of time or resources can be challenging for salespeople when building relationships. Salespeople may be focused on closing deals or meeting quotas, and may not have enough time to invest in building personal connections with their buyers.


5.     Follow up: Following up with customers after a sale shows that you care about their satisfaction and are committed to their success. It also provides an opportunity to address any issues or concerns that may have arisen.

The top challenge that salespeople face when trying to follow up is the lack of organization or prioritization. Salespeople may forget to follow up with buyers or may not have a system in place to ensure that they are following up in a timely and effective manner.


6.     Be responsive: Salespeople should respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns. This shows that they are reliable and dependable, which helps to build trust.

But the biggest challenge to being responsive is the lack of time or resources. Salespeople may be stretched thin and may not have the bandwidth to respond to every buyer inquiry or concern in a timely manner.


7.     Demonstrate expertise: Demonstrating expertise in your field helps to establish credibility and build trust. Salespeople should be knowledgeable about their products, services, and industry trends, and be able to provide relevant information to their customers.

Lack of knowledge and/or training challenges salespeople when trying to demonstrate expertise. Salespeople may not have a deep understanding of their products or services, or may not be up-to-date on the latest industry trends and best practices.

Overall, the research as well as common sense suggests that lack of trust is a significant factor that can prevent buyers from making a purchase. Building trust with buyers is essential for salespeople who want to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. High performing sales professionals gain a mastery of skills that constantly build trust with their buyers. By following these methods, even average salespeople can build trust with their buyers and establish long-term relationships that benefit both parties. 

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