"What If You Could Use Microsoft Outlook To Help you CLOSE MORE SALES? "

"Learn A System On Microsoft Outlook That The Top 1% Of Sales Professionals Use To Manage Workloads In A Way That Helps Them Achieve Work-Life Balance, Overcome Frustration And Disappointment In Sales, And Close More Sales!"

Take control of your sales workload and priorities. Set up your Sell Sm@rter program on your PC and finally unlock 100% of your potential and discover how successful you can be!




What is the Sell Sm@rter System?

The Sell Sm@rter System is a total time and workload management solution that enables you to work with more Buyers without additional hours, frustrations, or stress. Sales Professionals achieve exceptional increases in productivity and results, using a tool that they already have...
Microsoft Outlook.


We accomplish this by changing the default settings in MS Outlook that have been stealing time from your ever since you started using it! You can unleash the Productivity Power of your Microsoft Outlook.


Create your Command Center and get an on-demand snapshot of your daily workload - immediately- so you always know what to do next.


NEVER let prospective Buyers slip through the cracks anymore! Your Date Activated To-Do List will make sure that you always follow-up on-time, every-time.


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Enroll in this webshop for $475  Just $47! Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS.
Start changing YOUR OUTLOOK in the next 10 minutes.

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Sell Sm@rter with Microsoft Outlook MULTIPLIES Results Of Your Efforts

Before I creted the Sell Sm@rter System and developed the training program that you're getting your hands on today -
I was struggling in my sales career because I felt OVERWHELMED by all the activities I had to stay on top of just to keep my head above water.

I was working CRAZY HOURS following up on all the leads I learned how to generate and eventhough I was making good money (about $10k a month) I couldn't break through to higher levels.

I just couldn't cram more hours into my already busy day.

Which led me on a quest to find  the best time management system FOR SALES PROFESSIONALS. After taking just about every time mangement and productivity course under the sun, I discovered that it didn't exist.

Sure, there were many great courses out there to help non-sales professionals maximize their time and manage their workloads, but they all MISSED THE MARK when it came to sales and its' unique demands.

After years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way, I finally reached a point and began using the very time management system that you're about to start using withing the next 24 hours.

And to my surprise... I discovered that I could use this system on a tool that I already had in my posession and was using EVERY DAY... Microsoft Outlook.

I discovered that I was getting things done faster than before (usually an hour or two quicker) and that tasks like follow up calls to customers were no longer falling through the cracks.

I began following up on-time. every time!

It was amazing! I had discovered my very own way to Sell Sm@rter and not harder! I was gaining time to sell more and I finally broke through.

Now, you have the opportunity to use the EXACT SAME SYSTEM I developed by enrolling in this online, on-demand workshop called, Sell Sm@rter with Microsoft Outlook, for only $47.

Here's how it works...

First, use a tool that you already have... Microsoft Outlook


Second, change the default settings and create a COMMAND CENTER...


Third, apply the 10 Best Practices of the Sell Sm@rter System.




Hands-on software training delivered over 6 online training modules that you can complete at your conveience. Become more productive immediately!




This 128-page workbook is the perfect companion to guide you through the workshop and help you get the most out of this program and become as productive as you can possibly be.



Get personalized attention to further customize your Sell Sm@rter System to your uniques situation in 60-minute, 1-on-1 coaching session.



This 6 page worksheet helps you identify 'cognitive dissonances' and limiting mindsets that could be holding you back from achieving maximal sales performance.'



Clarify and decide on the most important goals for you pursue using the 12-page worksheet from Skill Builder WOrkbooks. Achieve the focus that is necessary to accomplish your dreams.



"I am delighted with this program. About seven years ago, I changed jobs, my current company doesn't use any CRM, and I struggled to create a system to keep a record of my tasks and commitments. I tried to do it with Outlook several times, but my way was insufficient. I am excited to start implementing it right now."
Carlos Avila,
Senior Area Sales Manager
Orlando, FL

Only ($475) $47 Today - $428 OFF

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Start reading in the next 5 minutes.

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100% Secure 256-Bit Encrypted Checkout

Here's How I Went From The Struggling Rep Who Couldn't Keep Up With His Daily Tasks To The In-Control Sales Professional Just By Changing How I Used A Tool That I Had Been Using Wrong For Years, And Turning The Traditional Time Management Model Upside Down

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover How The Sell Sm@rter System Can Put You In Control 

Dear Sales Professional
From: The Office of Scott Paulsen

Re: Gaining Control Over Your Daily Workload Without Going Broke - OR CRAZY - In The Process (and why this is your best way out)

Would it surprise you to learn, that I didn't hit my first 7 figure year as a W2 sales rep until AFTER I learned the information revealed in this online workshop?


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)

But if we can be real with each other for a moment then we can discuss the real threat to salespeople the world over...

And that threat is being average.

You see, the average sales rep makes less than 42k/year.

And I don't know about you...

But I didn't get into this game to be average.

And I definitely didn't get into this game to earn less than a McDonald's store manager.

So Let Me Prove To You It's Possible To Blow Past The Competition Using This New Time Management Model

But first, read this disclaimer:


I have the benefit of over 20 years in the trenches using the time management model you're about to get your hands on today.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS WORKSHOP.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

But you're in sales... so I know you're not scared of a little work, in fact... I'll bet you're looking forward to it.


How I Did It By Using A New And Counterintuitive Time Management Model That I'm About To Share With You On This Very Page...


The same Sell Sm@rter System that sales professionals from all over the world are now using to manage their daily workloads…

...And in turn scale up their take home commissions faster than ever before...

...All by changing HOW they use a tool they've probably been using for years and finally gaining CONTROL over their time so they can focus on finally living the life they dreamed of as a sales professional...

...And best of all have everyone else asking you what the heck you're doing differently since last month to climb to the top of the scoreboard.

You'll literally have ZERO competition once you start managing your day and workload this way...

And you can BET...

The Sell Sm@rter System is unlike any method you've heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

​✔ We don’t try to teach you a new tool to manage your time

​✔ We don’t focus on the Inbox (this method eliminates distractions and keeps you focused)

✔​ We don’t ever wonder what has to be done next

✔​ We don’t waste endless hours chasing and burning through leads

​✔ And we definitely don’t chant "A B C your priorities!"

In fact: we never even pull the outdated tactics out of the toolbox ever again after using this system.

Instead, We Re-Configure A Tool That You're Probably Already Using And Show You How To Keep It From Stealing Your Time Ever Again...

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change the trajectory of your sales career forever…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Sell Sm@rter System allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the DISTRACTIONS that I hated when it comes to getting things done in today's economy…

💥 Responding to every reminder, announcement, or interruption in real-time ​​

💥 Not knowing which email to respond to next because my Inbox was full of clutter and junk ​​

💥 Feeling like a glorified message pusher ​​

💥 Forcing myself so hard to remember what had to get done that kept me awake at night ​​

💥 Doing tasks that weren't important like I was paid to check the box instead of sell

The Sell Sm@rter System Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Unlock A New Level Of Productivity AND Commissions I Didn't Even Realize Was Possible... Without Resorting To Working More Hours

Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve been a rep or been in production for more than a week, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Painfully Planned Day”:

đź’Ą Step 1 - Get in the office and launch into MS Outlook first thing.

đź’Ą Step 2 - Immediately get hit with a deluge of emails in the Inbox view

đź’Ą Step 3 - Start scanning through emails and responding to those that seem important

đź’Ą Step 4 - Get on a roll and fall into a sense of 'False Productivity'

đź’Ą Step 5 - Keep on replying to the next email in the Inbox, because I feel like 'I'm on a roll'

đź’Ą Step 6 - Lose track of time responding email after email

đź’Ą Step 7 - Forget about the more important meeting or phone call or high value task that needed to get done.

💥 Step 8 - Scramble to get to that meeting or hastily make the call (unprepared), or sloppily finish the proposal in order to get it to the client not too late and feel drained having fought and pushed my way through another busy-ness filled day.

The "Painfully Planned Day" not only sucked, but kept me stuck for years - forcing me to feel completely out of control of my sales workload and earning potential... making only $3k per month while working my ass off.

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of earning high 6 or even 7 figures as a sales rep

... But before I gave up..

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent 20 years turning it into a system...

The same system that you'll be able to apply directly to  your workload tomorrow if you choose...

And I Put This Entire System In A Hands-On Training Program Called Sell Sm@rter with Microsoft Outlook And You Can Dive Into It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Scott Paulsen…

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

My life’s pretty good (now)…

I started a sales and management consulting firm (just before the pandemic)...

I do have decent cars (but I prefer to put my surplus commissions into investments)...

...and I now spend most of my free time coaching young athletes.

And I don't say that to brag, I just want you to understand what's possible with the right sales skills

And As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was At The Start Of My Sales Career...



I was 24 years old, living in Houston, Texas starting my career as a stock broker.

I had no clue what I was doing and thought that the way to get ahead in sales was to "Work More Hours".

I had no real mentors or coaches who I could count on and the more experienced, successful salespeople around me only offered advice such as, "Work smarter, not harder."

Sounds great, but the problem was... HOW!?!

I had no control over my daily sales workload and to be honest... that was the most frustrating part.

...and I kept banging my head against the wall because all my managers were telling me that "this is the way it's done" or "that's how the greats do it"...

But it meant that I couldn't pursue what I knew in my gut was a different approach and it made me realize...

There's a stupid myth in sales out there.. that "The harder you work, the luckier you get"...

And if you want to really make it in sales... working harder, spending more hours making more calls, and pushing your way through an outdated workload management is never the answer...

I know because I tried.

I gave it everything I had.

I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn't work.

Because I played by the rules and I did everything right...

I Ended Up Frustrated And Burned Out With Nothing To Show For All My Hard Work And I Hated It...

I hated it because I was doing exactly what I was taught.

I had goals, dreams, and aspirations... I wanted more out of life...

...and one day I realized that following the conventional sales wisdom in the new economy just wasn't going to work.

So I did what everyone else does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I looked everywhere and a few months later I had an 'A-HA moment' I'll never forget.

I was walking through a bookstore one day (yes I'm dating myself a bit here) and came across a book that changed the trajectory of my career...

...and of my life!

In a nutshell, I learned...



📗 Unit 1 - Introducing the Sell Sm@rter Mindset - Learn the fundamental principles of productivity and how to adapt them to the challenges facing the modern day Sales Professional.

📗 Unit 2 - Setting Up to Sell Sm@rter - Gain a deeper understanding of what's available to Sales Professional in the MS Outlook 'toolbox' and set up the main components of your Command Center that will empower you to work with greater focus...

Learn how to increase your sales productivity and eliminate the unhelpful habits that MS Outlook has been forcing on you since the day you started using it.  

đź“— Unit 3 - Managing Communications Sm@rter - We will show you how to better manage your email. You will learn how to extract the work from your Inbox and quickly file emails you need to retain. You will discover that you can work from a near empty Inbox.

📗 Unit 4 - Managing Your Schedule Sm@rter - You will learn the importance of the Outlook Calendar and how to avoid becoming a victim of the “planning fallacy”. You will become a more proficient manager of your time and a better daily planner.

đź“— Unit 5 - Planning Sm@rter - You will discover how the planning cycle will help you become more strategic in your daily choices.

đź“— Unit 6 - Prioritizing To-Do's Sm@rter - You will learn how to capture and plan the execution of your flexible pieces of work. You will also learn how Outlook can help you keep track of work you have asked others to do.


Only ($475) $47 Today - $428 OFF

(Save $428.00 today and Unlock 4 Exclusive Bonuses)

Enroll in this online training course $475 Just $47! Immediate access.
Start training in the next 5 minutes.

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The Sell Sm@rter With Microsoft Outlook bundle is for any starting or experienced sales professional who is looking to adopt a proactive approach to time management and IMMEDIATELY unlock their full potential, and their resulting commissions because of it.

If you're happy with your current results and are satisfied with the outdatedworkload management  tactics then this program is not for you.

The Sell Sm@rter System is a counterintuitive approach to time and workload management for sales professionals, that allows you to work on more deals i sless time, without resorting to the outdated, ineffective tactics that can feel like you're being forced to spend more time managing and less time selling.

We achieve this by changing MS Outlook to work WITH human behavior instead of against it... which eliminates all traces of distractions and interruptions and puts the control of your day back in your hands.

And as a result...this frees you up to focus on what's most important - connecting with your prospects, closing more deals, and improving all aspects of your life as a result - this is Sell Sm@rter System and it is the new model of time management for sales professionals.

The Sell Sm@rter System has been tested in the trenches by our clients from over 115+ different sales industries.

And it not only works in all of them, it flat out crushes any other model that our students and clients have ever used before.

How is this possible?

Because Sell Sm@rter is not a tactic or a tip... it is a proven SYSTEM that can be applied by any sales professional.

Many of our clients even started using the Sell Sm@rter System in other occupations outside of sales for increased control over their time and workloads.

When you enroll in the Sell Sm@rter with Microsoft Outlook webshop today, you're also going to be getting 4 exclusive bonuses valued at over $500 to help you implement the Sell Sm@rter System as fast as possible.

This includes:
Bonus #1 - The Sell Sm@rter Course Workbook to guide you through the workshop and help you get the most out of this program.

Bonus #2 - 1-On-1 Coaching Review personalized attention to further customize the Sell Sm@rter System for your individual workload.

Bonus #3 - The Sales Sherpa Mindset Worksheet is a 6-page worksheet to help you identify 'cognitive dissonances' and limiting mindsets that could be holding you back from achieving maximal sales performance.

Bonus #4 - The Setting Powerful Goals Worksheet  from Skill Builder Workbooks will help you gain clarity and decide on those goals that you should pursue in order to accomplish your dreams and  live your best life.

The Sell Sm@rter System is specifically designed to give sales professionals CONTROL over their unique and demanding workloads by changing MS Outlook to work WITH the them instead of against them.

While all other sales professionals are focused on using 100 year old methods, resorting to to-do lists... or worse... still focusing on their Inbox,...

With the Sell Sm@rter System you'll centralize all your important information in the most effective tools inside of Outlook.

First, if you're looking for an out already... then this might not be the best product for you.

We're looking for dedicated sales professionals who are looking to level up in their craft.

With that being said... I already know that anyone who implements what they get in the Sell Sm@rter with Microsoft Outlook workshop ends up getting hooked and fast.

Which is why my team and I put together the "Money Where Your Mouth Is" 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

If you take the course, you go through the bonuses, and try it out and for whatever reason you feel like it didn't help you at all...

Just email my support team and we'll refund every penny... and let you keep everything as our way of saying thank you for betting on yourself and giving it a shot.




Only ($475) $47 Today - $428 OFF
(Save $428.00 today)

Enroll In The Webshop for $475 Just $47! Delivered instantly. Start training in the next 5 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

Enroll And Sell Sm@rter Now!
Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Click Here To Get Your Sell Sm@rter Bundle




This 128-page workbook is the perfect companion to guide you through the workshop and help you get the most out of this program and become as productive as you can possibly be.



Get personalized attention to further customize your Sell Sm@rter System to your uniques situation in 60-minute, 1-on-1 coaching session.



This 6 page worksheet helps you identify 'cognitive dissonances' and limiting mindsets that could be holding you back from achieving maximal sales performance.'



Clarify and decide on the most important goals for you pursue using the 12-page worksheet from Skill Builder WOrkbooks. Achieve the focus that is necessary to accomplish your dreams.




The Sell Sm@rter System


Ready To Upgrade Your Commission Potential And Ditch The Outdated Methods?

Get Your Sell Sm@rter Bundle Now And Skyrocket Your Commission Potential
Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Click Here To Enroll In Your Course

"Most People Fail Because They Don't Learn The RIGHT Skills Necessary To Succeed."

And that's when it hit me...

Maybe, just MAYBE...

What I was being taught by my company and the sales gurus were just not the right skills to succeed.

Their information was outdated...


And soul-sucking to use in real sales calls.

That's when I began my endeavour to learn the truth about the best way to manage my time. I read EVERY book I could get my hands on. I studied and researched every guru that existed.

And then I found IT...

I Discovered The 'HOLY GRAIL' Of Time And Workload Management That Gave Me Control Over My Day And Eliminates (Almost) ALL Distractions

It was a system for managing time and priorities used by an Army Chief of Staff, the President of an Ivy League university, Supreme Commander of NATO, a President of the United States, and the commander of the army that liberated Europe in World War 2 - all of whom was the same person - Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Its called the Eisenhower Matrix or the 4-D Decision Model and it goes something like this:

🔸 Do It Now. Things that are both important (add value and deliver a result) and urgent (time specific) must be done immediately.

🔸 Decide When.  If it's important but not urgent, decide when it will be done and schedule it for an appropriate time in the future. 'Later' doesn't count.

🔸 Delgate. If it's NOT important but yet still urgent, it should be delegated.

🔸 Delete It. Let's be real... there's more distractions now thatn there have been at any time in history, and they're multiplying every day. If it's neither important nor urgent, just delete it - eliminate it altogether.

When I learned how to use MS Outlook to help me apply the 4-D Decision Model to my sales workload in a way never heard of before, it was a game changer for me.

Now, if you're struggling with the time it takes to make it in sales, let me be the first to tell you...;


It's NOT Your Fault

You've being taught to use MS Outlook in a way that is stealing time from you!

Isn't it time to change your approach?


That Was The Birth Of The Sell Sm@rter System Of Time And Sales Workload Management

 Once I learned I could actually gain more time just by changing a few default settings in MS Outlook, I just couldn't help myself.

I was relentlessly testing the approach and refining it in the trenches...

Don't get me wrong... I made a lot of mistakes in the process by doing the wrong things at the wrong time...

I had no idea initially how to figure it all out and I knew the only way to make it work was to persist, NO MATTER WHAT...


I still had to put in the work and stay true to my mission.

Looking back, those first couple of years were brutal.

Late nights.

TONS of calls.

hard work.


Way too many questions I'd care to admit were tested every day of every week...

That was my life and I hate to admit this, but at times...

I was ready to wuit.

But thankfully I didn't...

That Was Over 20 Years Ago, And Fast Forward To Today And It Almost Seems Like A Bad Dream

 I proved that "following the traditional time management approach" is all wrong

Instead of quitting to do who know what, or worse... being stuck at $3k per month for my entire career...

I've not only earned close to 7 figures in commissions as a W2 sales rep, but I've taught hundreds and thousands of other sales people how to do it too!

If you're still thinking...

"Will this actually work for me?"

Let me be the first to tell you that the Sell Sm@rter Method has been tested over decades in countless industries.

And it beats every other time management approach... Hands Down!



And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You will radically transform your commission potential in your first 30 days of using the Sell Sm@rter Method.


Here's what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 30 days from today.

Because if you implement everything I'm going to share with you in the Sell Sm@rter with MS Outlook program...

That's when you'll start seeing and realizing how much more effective you'll become.

That's how easy this is.

I know how ridiculous that sounds... and how cliche that that sounds...

And Just A Few Years Ago... I'd Tell You That You're Crazy If You'd Ever Believe Such A Model Existed

...But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to improve your sales…

I promise you this…

Anyone can earn outlandish commissions as a sales professional with the right model (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can DO This, So Can You!


And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This

It took me 12 months to "figure out" that I was onto something...

...and another 10 years in the trenches to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to enroll in this online training program and most important of all - implement it!

That’s it…


Why Only $47?

Look... I've been in your shoes and I know it's not fun when you don't understand how to manage your time effectively.

And the hard part is that it's not your fault.

The world of sales has been too slow to catch up...

But you deserve the right to sell this way.

You deserve the confidence.

And you deserve the commissions that are just slightly out of reach (not for much longer).

But after everything that has gone on in the past few years, I knew that I had to get this out to more sales people so they can control their commission potential and secure the future of their career.

That’s why I decided to deliver this program online - eliminating all the costs of traditional classroom training.

And selfishly, I know you’re going to get so much value from this workshop and the insane bonuses - you’ll want to invest in higher levels of coaching with me in the future.

But first, I have to prove to you I know what I'm talking about and that I'm the right one to help you on this journey to outlandish commissions.

So that’s why you can get the Guide Book today for just $47.

Get the Sell Sm@rter with MS Outlook For Just $47 Today!
Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee


But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won't Last Long


Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

I call it the "Money Where Your Mouth Is" Guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ...


Here's how the "Money Where Your Mouth Is" guarantee works...

I know that before I get into anything...

...I'd like to know what I'm buying and that it's backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with your purchase.

And even though it's only $47

Like my old Swedish Granny used to say, "Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot"

So here's what I've arranged:

Enroll in the Sell Sm@rter with Microsoft Outlook workshop, complete it, but more importantly, apply what you learn from it to your MS Outlook.

And if you're not blown away by what you learn in the workshop and inside the exclusive bonuses...

Then just shoot my team an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We'll refund your $47 to you and let you keep EVERYTHING free of charge.

How's that for the world's best money back guarantee?

I'd say it's pretty darn good!


And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...